◎520上街頭要公投『ECFA公投行動聯盟』靜坐現場 ◎520上街頭要公投『ECFA公投行動聯盟』靜坐現場-謝長廷、蔡英文 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQolsariU80&feature=player_e 商務中心mbedded. 『ECFA公投行動聯盟』靜坐於今(20)日下午二時起展開連三天的靜坐,民進 西裝黨立委、台北市議員幾乎全數到場,黨主席蔡英文也親臨致詞並一起靜坐。蔡英文主席表示,人民對政府不信任,EC 居酒屋FA公投是人民卑微的心願和請求。 『ECFA公投行動聯盟』召集人謝長廷表示,逆風行腳、苦行、靜坐和遊行等這些群眾運動,人民在參與的過 東森房屋程中會受苦還會受到不公平打壓,但是唯有人民挺身抵抗和投入,才有可能改變。謝長廷說,當年他跟趙少康在台大校友會館辯論,他就主張台灣的前途應該由人民?租辦公室茖M定,這是全民的共識,而馬英九在2年前選舉時也講過。所以他質疑,馬英九說ECFA很重要,但為何不能讓人民公投,這是違反民主精神和他自己的政治承諾。 謝長廷感謝所有來參與的朋友 設計裝潢,表示在台灣的緊要關頭,在馬英九違反民意要簽訂犧牲台灣人利益的協議時,台灣人隨時可拒絕,隨時要站出來,未來這三天也會與大家一起交換各種意見。 蔡英文說,失業率高漲、財政惡化、社會對立,人民 酒店工作對政府失去信任,而馬政府只想用 ECFA將台灣帶入黃金十年,就如同把鑰匙放在對台灣具有政治野心的中國手中,公投只是人民卑微的心願和請求。 蔡英文說這個總統二年來不斷的跳票,沒有給人民信賴的感覺,馬英九的六三三,人民?長灘島奶ㄗ魽B看不到、感受不到,這二年台灣人民只有感受越來越痛苦,蔡英文說 中國對台灣的政治野心非常明顯,台灣人會放任馬英九願意把政治前途放在中國手上嗎?蔡英文說在這三天的靜坐,台灣人要展現出來台灣人堅定的意志力,要讓台灣的民主往前走,要公投用台灣人的 九份民宿票來決定自己的前途。◎520上街頭要公投 『ECFA公投行動聯盟』靜坐現場-管碧玲 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti_Y5T-PsSQ&feature=player_embedded ◎1/2 520上街頭要公投-ECFA公投行動聯盟記者會 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoDyedYrWiQ&feature=player_embe 太平洋房屋dded  .

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          ◎救台灣 救自己 --楊劉秀華 st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}◎救台灣 救自己 --楊劉秀華http://www.libertytimes.co 會場佈置m.tw/2009/new/oct/30/today-o5.htm 根 據媒體報導,FAPA(台灣人公共事務會)美 房屋貸款國伊利諾州分會 十月廿四日 在芝加哥舉行年會,邀請曾任華府智庫「傳統基金會」資深研究員的譚慎格(John J. Tr 九份民宿acik, Jr)演講,他指出,台灣的未來正面臨前所未有的嚴峻考驗,這個考驗來自中國的野心、美國的冷漠以及中國國民黨投降式的傾中政策。 婚禮佈置…他一想到台灣的前途就 毛骨悚然。 為解決當前台灣的危機,台灣人只有站起來推翻中華民國流亡政府體制,實現「當家作主」的願望。今年初,本人參加一個本?seog社團舉辦 的研討會,主講人提到,他在中華民國政府體制內受到很多限制,被綁手綁腳、無法動彈,希望有人能夠幫助他。本人向他提問,在體制內,每個人都被綁手綁腳, 如何?部落格簷磎擉謇漣蘄ㄐA跳出來呢?過了一段時間,仍未得到答案。 最近,我突然想到大家都被綑綁、不自由,受到很大的限制,只有一個非常原始的 方法,就是相互用自己的牙齒去咬斷對方的繩索,雖然自己的體力有限、很吃力,但仍需?部落格n秉持意志力和耐力去做,因為除此以外別無他法。直到咬斷別人的繩索, 讓那個最早掙脫的人,去拿小刀或剪刀,把其他人的繩索都解開,這就是「自己救自己」的辦法,也才能實現「當家作主」的願望。 目前,譚慎格先 生所言台灣 部落格人面臨「嚴峻的考驗」讓他感覺毛骨悚然;但我們身處其中的人卻毫無危機意識,每天不是吃喝玩樂的醉生夢死,就是不滿現實的埋怨,任日子在無意義 中度過,對於國家前途與自己的命運毫無知覺、麻木不仁!沉睡的台灣人啊!你要趕緊覺醒過來?買屋A面對現實,不要再盼望別人來救,我們要自己的前途自己決定,自 己的國家自己救! (作者為家庭主婦) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 吳哥窟  .

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          父與子 第78集 http://www.maplestage.net/node/38991/ 父與子-第78集-ep-78/ At 21:38/114:58 Her daughter "Guy.4" "Whore.Shore.Jway". Because shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard rooted no way to grow up shameful thoughtful moral heart; a woman cannot care her child enough to find a man to help her to raise that kid up 情趣用品, that woman and that woman's kid has no right to demand anyone else to care her and/or her kid, the only one can be blamed is their government who failed to enforce that unmarried woman to abort or to kill that woman immediately on tha 結婚t laboring CRIME SCENE, SO THAT GOVERNMENT CAN SEND THAT ORPHAN GIRL TO BE CARED BY VIRGIN MOTHER TERESA TEAM 1. Her daughter's mom committed shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard "Way.When.Sheng.女" crime. 2. Her daughter's mom failed to do 代償 the duty to tell that man about her pregnant at the first place to give that man the option to help her to abort or to marry her because of her pregnant. 3. Her daughter's mom too suck to know how to find a better man to marry her to care her daughter's mom and her daughter 苗栗旅遊9;s mom's daughter. 4. Her daughter's mom too suck to know how to hide like die to bury her own shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard crime, and make sure not to let her daughter to find out her sucking shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard birth of crime at the first place. 5. Her daughter has 租屋no right to blame anyone else but her own mom. Her daughter may have right to blame that man only when her daugher's mom already died before her daugher found out her real blood tie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 30:45/114:58The 信用貸款Court has the right to guard the stupid bad ugly evil private citizen's bottom right, therefore, it rejected that accuser's accusation with the reason "Short of Evidence"; however, it is not a "5.Golf" in any way, because anyone sided with any "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" immoral married woman already committed "Fun.High.Job.Tin.Jway", therefore, yo 襯衫ur Court cannot criminate them before sentencing your government and all rich and famous who abused their power and money to hired any married woman in that working place first; had "Lin.Dong.John" indeed accused "Yard.Fun" husband with the name of "5.Golf", the Court must have to seek "Lin.Dong.John" (He should help "Yard.Fun" to file divorce directly from the Cour 借貸t and ask the Court to order Mr. Lee to give the money to her, because she had not made money by herself after she married to that Mr.Lee. That means she has to rely on Mr.Lee's rich to keep her life going on, therefore, the Court must do the righteous duty to order Mr.Lee to pay her supporting fee to make sure after divorcing him, she can still keep the life style she used to ha 酒店經紀ve had before.) crime of "Fun.High.Job.Tin.Jway", because a rich and famous man committed "Nun.女.Shore.Shore.Boot.Chin" crime with any married woman showed in front of anyone's ears and/or eyes already makes that "Fun.High.Job.Tin" crime scene, not mention behind any close door.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 結婚西裝  .

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